Member-only story
This Morning’s Song
A brief reflection in solitude

~ This Morning’s Song ~
A brief reflection in solitude
When I wake with a crick in my neck
and a knee reluctant to bend
with no exciting plan to cheer the day
from now until its end
I stumble down, prepare a mug of coffee
to sip in early quiet on the back porch
before our city wakens, before delivery and
garbage trucks begin to rumble by
Before the birds begin to fly. It is just me
and one small bunny nibbling on the lawn
until she notices and flees into the arms
of John’s garden — her comfort zone
The lawn, more like a leafy meadow
surrounded by tall trees — a forest
tucked into an aging neighborhood
Its shade a blessing on hot August days
This yard, crafted carefully for over forty years
a testimony to one gardener’s love — now
on its own and overgrown, continues to inspire.
And look! A pair of mourning doves appear.
While I give thanks and cheer!
Also shared in JoMae’s Bits and Pieces: Morning Song