Member-only story
Encouragement Personified

~ Friends ~
There is no frigate like the mind to
bring friends near when far away
to gather close when tempests
toss and life’s a lonely dream
I often board it’s memory to recollect
the people clustered there in vibrant
conversation, recalling vividly, lost
moments of camaraderie, of joy
Encouragements in various forms
mingle on this ark, sending short
texts or emails to those treading
unfamiliar waves all on their own
Mailed cards, warm caring
moments -all sweetly savored,
phone calls, patient listeners, so
healing for one floundering alone
Around my floating frigate drift gentle
words, sad smiles, soft hugs, the touch
of a kind handshake, empathetic fingers
resting lightly on the arm in conversations
Encouragement Personified
First appeared in: JoMae’s Bits and Pieces: Encouragement Personified