Member-only story
Casting Bread Upon The Water

~ Casting One’s Bread Upon The Water ~
Some keep a lovely garden in the country
isolated where few will ever get to see
some gardens beam their beauty
at a cross roads to be admired
Some folks keep a hobby quiet
getting sharp at crosswords
or fixing puzzles privately
mainly for an inner joy
Some writers seek to publish
to be remembered, known
to interact with readers
to share their world
Others write to scratch some itch
inside themselves — to catch an
insight or idea, or capture a
verbal photo of their day
We find our voice and sing
in so many ways — some
with a quiet hum, some
in bursting gifted song
Each vignette, weak or strong
adds to the stream of words
we cast our crumbs upon.
In blessing one another
we too are blessed
First published at JoMae’s Bits and Pieces: Casting Bread Upon The Water