About Me — JoMae Spoelhof

JoMae Spoelhof
2 min readApr 10, 2021

I write of life and it’s many loves and lessons — sharing those carried from the past as well as observations from my rocking chair here in Western New York. I also enjoy reading the wonderful poems and stories found on Medium.

Enjoying the beauty of Letchworth State Park

A few years back, on my own for the first time ever, I turned to an old loved hobby to soothe the intensity of grief. The blank page soon became my best friend and companion as I struggled to find my way through this foreign, unsought chapter. Writing is a healing endeavor. It taught me that life could be joyfully transformed beyond those difficult initial expectations.

Nurtured by the love of almost sixty years, my loss was unexpected. Two died that day. My dear John and the old JoMae. My identity was shattered — I thought, beyond repair. Yet in time, new roots took hold in the soil of ‘before’ as I found myself again. Renewed. Ready to blossom anew and be grateful for all that came before and all I have today.

So I write and read and think and write some more. It has become my life. After many active years of raising a large family, followed by the companionship of our empty nest, during which I’d always treasured moments of solitude, I found myself immersed in isolated quiet. While the missing conversation was agony at first, I began to see this time as a gift. The perfect climate in which to capture the thoughts that come. It has become my joy, my work, my purpose.

I blog at JoMae’s Bits & Pieces, annaver.blogspot.com, sharing also on facebook, instagram and twitter.


About Me Writing Moving On



JoMae Spoelhof

Reflections on Life, Love and Loss - with touchstones of hope between the lines. JoMae blogs at annaver.blogspot.com